Tart - Pie - Galette (TPG) Dough

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Tart - Pie - Galette (TPG) Dough

Yield: 2 Discs


  • 2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 360 grams butter, chilled and cut into 1cm cubes
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • ¼ cup ice water


  1. Place flour, sugar and salt in a large mixing bowl and combine well.
  2. Add in the cubed butter and toss in the flour. Using mostly the tips of your fingers begin pushing the flour into the dough*. Continue this until your butter is well distributed throughout and you have no pieces bigger than half a centimeter – no need to be too precise.
  3. Toss your bowl in a circular motion to bring most of the dry flour to the surface and then drizzle in the vinegar. Mix the dough gently, using your fingers (as though you are running your fingers through your hair).
  4. Toss the bowl again to bring up the dry/un-incorporated flour to the top and then drizzled in three-quarters of the water (hold back some in case you do not need it). Mix again gently (yes, again, as though you are running them through your hair). If there are still a lot of dry parts, add the remaining water. The dough should still look relatively dry and shaggy as it will hydrate as it rests.
  5. Transfer onto a clean workbench and bring it together using the palms of your hand, trying to handle it as little as possible. Cut it in half with a knife or dough scraper and stack the two pieces. Repeat this again one more time.
  6. Divide into two parts, place each one onto some plastic wrap. Shape into either a circle, square or rectangle (depending on what shape you want to roll it out to). Wrap up and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours. The dough can be used after 2 hours or freeze it for up to 3 months.


* This technique of pushing bits of the flour INTO the butter helps to stop the butter melting too quickly.


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